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The definition of Leukemia

Leukemia was a type from cancer. Cancer was a group from many illnesses that were connected. All cancer began on cells, that formed blood and other networks. Normally, cells grew and took a short cut to form new cells when the body needed them. When cells grew became old, they died, and cells just took their place. Sometimes the process that was arranged this went wrong. Cells were just formed when the body did not need them, and old cells did not die when they ought to die. Leukemia was cancer that began on blood cells.

Normal blood cells Blood cells were formed on bones marrow (bone marrow). Bones marrow was material that was soft in center from most bones. Blood cells that did not yet become mature (ripe) was acknowledged as parent cells (stem cells) and blasts. Most blood cells became mature in bones marrow and after wards moved in blood vessels. Blood that flowed through blood vessels and the heart was mentioned peripheral blood. Bones marrow made types that were different from blood cells.

Each type had a special function:

* Leukocyte helped against the infection.
* Erythrocyte carried oxygen to networks all over the body.
* Platelet helped formed clots (clumps) blood that controlled the bleeding. Leukemia cells To people with leukemia, bones marrow produced abnormal white blood cells. Abnormal cells were leukemia cells. Firstly, leukemia cells functioned almost normally.

In time, they possibly urged white blood cells, red blood cells, and normal platelets. This made blood heavy to do his work.